Wednesday, January 18, 2006


Will all the energy of my life and everyone else's life get dumped into the universe?
Is there a way to recycle it? Does someone hold this info? Share if you dare.

The mind, the untouchable and free mind, will mine be on a bird on will it crawl in the ground?
Should I prepare for more or for less? Should I not prepare at all? When he comes and does his thing, where would we be? How many times do we come back? Are we allowed?

I am not trying to be Malkovich, but I am interested on these mysteries which have been revealed. If I had to push the Walmart cart with the bags and dreadlocks hanging as the price to pay for knowing, truly knowing, I would not think twice. Does anyone belong to the club?
I have life in me as I write this, so I will dare to ask and prepare to receive the answer and still manage to be happy with not knowing.


Blogger Ben Harcos said...

Wow, that's a good one. It will be fun to comment!! THNX!

Here I go: ... and I'm laughing out loud now 'cause I don't know what to say first.

Alright, alright: Energy cannot be destroyed. It's there - always. And there is even a theory that all the knowledge, all the happenings of the universe are stored in something called the Akasha chronicles. Past, present, future.

Oh, you will soar on that day when you go back!

How about this, q: You ARE a part of the whole. So - theoretically - you have access to all the knowledge that there is. Everything. The works.

And while you are on this planet at this time - 2006 - the universe is gearing towards a shift. There's going to be MORE understanding for everyone who wants it.

Hey, I cannot prove this! But just for the moment: Forget about conventional science. And feel. Is there not an innermost feeling of "we are going to evolve"?

And bloody YES - we are allowed to come back!! Again, no proof. But I have been working with the energies for five years now. Deep in my bones I am convinced that we ARE going to understand more - and within the next couple of years. Yes, there are books about this and I read them - but this comes from inside myself and from... I don't know where. But it is there.

We will not get everything - it is beyond us as we are in human form - but we WILL evolve.

Oh, I do understand your thirst. But you DO NOT NEED the switch to the Walmart cart. Just go on! Live. Keep in touch with your core. With the world as you define it. We might talk about this day some years from now!

With deep respect for your search and many THNX for following my posts.


6:18 PM  

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