Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Today I Remembered that...

Powerful people know better because they care less.

Things are simpler because they don’t have to explain or do those.

Experience has served a purpose. How else would they know?

Many mistakes have been made; therefore the rules.

Powerful people are, in part, because of others help. They recognize that.

Generosity is found in power, in microscopic amounts or in misunderstood ways, but it is always there.

Power is so many things to so many people that it is hard to define sometimes, kinda like happiness. But, can we become happy without power? Or can we become powerful without happiness? I believe that one supplies the other.

I met someone successful today and learned that his approach to life relied on power, the kind of power that is unspoken and that emanates from positive energy.

He was there to serve us all, because it was his job, because he loves his job and because by doing what he loves doing the most, he is successful.

Happiness is the power of loving. Period.


Blogger Infinitesimal said...

Such a difference between real power and blatent oppression, good post Q be doo be doo.

1:24 AM  
Blogger Infinitesimal said...

had to come back to read this again.

more! more!

5:55 PM  
Blogger sparringK9 said...

hallo mister q

a real power that come off a person like energy just like you lightning....it dont need to be loud or flashy though. it best when that person bring power to all it so secure. lifting always. not to push down.

you fodo remind me of a cinema i see of tony montagne. say hallo to me little friends.

you taking fodographie on your travels as 007, ja?

3:13 PM  
Blogger sparringK9 said...

ik denk you leave trail for me to find you, mr. bond. be careful! i could have a danger hidden in my laag von bont. remember what tanaka says.

8:08 AM  

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